4 days. 1 Topic.
Become an expert on your own.
All in
your experience
We want to invite you to an exciting journey:
The journey to the Summit!
We will start this journey together on Thursday and finish it together on Sunday, because the Shiatsu Summit is just one big workshop. Day by day your journey will take you to other countries, but in all countries a common language is spoken: The language of chronic fatigue, burn out & depression.
5 elements
one center – you
The different individual courses of the Summit each illuminate the core topic from a different perspective, whereby all perspectives form a common whole, in which your clients or yourself are at the center.
In each course you will learn specific approaches, methods or concepts that build on each other. You will gather tools and insights that will be deepened on a daily basis. Since the Summit is an intensive joint venture, only a visit over all four days is possible.
Your Personal Healing Space
… dive deep into the field of the Summit
the field
of the Summit
The last Summit was a wonderful experience. By focusing on a core topic, a unique energy field was created that permeated the four days. Everyone was part of this field: the speakers, the participants, the assistants.
Being in this concentrated field is touching. It touches on a personal level. It allows us to get in touch with the topic directly and also to address our own healing process. Through a deep understanding of ourselves, we can transfer this experience in connection with the learned skills authentically and powerfully to our clients.