5 International Experts
With decades of Experience
5 International Experts
With decades of Experience
Ivan is a Shiatsu practitioner and teacher for more than 25 years. His journey in the art of Shiatsu led him through both Namikoshi Shiatsu and Yoseido followed by Ohashiatsu and Koho Shiatsu and Movement Shiatsu training. After opening two Shiatsu schools in Belgium, he now promotes Shiatsu all over Europe. In his practical work Ivan specialises in working with fertility problems, pregnancy and postpartum care as well as chronic fatigue and burnout.
Ivan has a very specific approach to chronic fatigue with five types of CF in ascending order of severity to determine why and how they become chronic. Having treated hundreds of people suffering from burnout, he developed an approach based on the 6 layers, because rebuilding needs to be seen in a holistic way. So Ivans bag is full of gifts he will share with you at the Summit!
More about Ivan: www.ryohoshiatsu.com
Cindy Engel is a combination of biologist, bodywork therapist and author – on a mission to understand the interplay of mind and body. Besides publications in academic journals she wrote the book “Wild Health: how animals keep themselves well and what we might learn from them”. She says about herself and her path to working with Shiatsu: “The only reason I am a Shiatsu practitioner is because of chronic fatigue, burnout, and depression. I hit rock bottom with all three, aged 31 but it was Shiatsu (along with meditation and Qi Gong) that brought me back to life. Being a research biologist at the time, I attempted to explore the mechanisms of this recovery from the perspective of Western science and nowadays (25 years later) I work to help therapists and clients avoid similar pitfalls.”
Besides the role of immune activity in chronic fatigue and depression Cindy’s personal interest is on a person’s predisposition to somatic empathy. Her approach with somatic empathy together with her personal experience of working through the struggles of “chronic fatigue, burnout and depression” using appropriate tools like mediation and Qi Gong forms a treasure she is always happy to share.
More about Cindy: www.cindyengel.com
Gill is passionate about most things she gets involved with, yet somehow Shiatsu and Sei-Ki took the top spot. She has been practicing for over 20 years now, teaching as well as accompanying individuals. Gill began her Shiatsu studies in Madrid, going on to studying with the Shiatsu College in the UK and from there to working with Akinobu Kishi Sensei. Currently she is the director of Ameba Shiatsu School in Madrid and also teaches workshops around Spain and more recently in Germany.
With her Sei-Ki background and proficient work with the Extraordinary Vessels she opens the space for change to take place. Gill likes to take a step back, away from focusing on issues towards seeing the bigger picture of a person’s life. Activating the innate potential of the human being instead of getting rid of an ailment. Finding your own path instead of fulfilling expectations and thus living a life that is authentic, healthy and happy. This is the way out of depression. This is the way out of burnout.
More about Gillian: www.amebashiatsu.es
Nina Ninnemann, a former dancer, turned Shiatsu therapist and works with the profound interplay between body, mind and spirit.Drawing on her rich experience as a dancer, Nina`s approach to Shiatsu is a symphony of movement and stillness, listening and responding. Her expertise integrates resource- and client-centered coaching with the principles of Shin Tai Shiatsu.
Through her work with mental disordered clients at a private clinic in Zurich and in her own practice rooms in Lucerne, Nina has witnessed the growing need for holistic orientated therapies. Mental disorders like depression manifests in many ways, but the human itself, when deeply understood, holds the key to resilience and recovery. Nina shares her techniques and tools how to listen – not only to words but to the unspoken language of the body. She loves to inspire students and therapists with her passion to dance with the Qi.
More about Nina: www.meholistic.ch
Has been practicing Shiatsu full-time for 30 years, specializing in more complex subject areas and the healing arts aspect of Shiatsu. This includes the study of TCM and clinical practice in China. In addition to his shiatsu practice, he is the director of the International Academy for Hara Shiatsu in Vienna, which has been collaborating with clinical institutions for 25 years to create a synthesis between Western and Eastern medicine. Mike is also the director of the 5th European Shiatsu Congress, author of several successful books on Shiatsu and TCM, an international speaker with courses throughout Europe, and an enthusiastic father of three children.
In 2012 he started a clinical burnout project with Shiatsu. Since the start more than 10.000 treatments have been done in that setting, which lead to enormous experience and insights to the topic. Since CoVid, Mike focused on the rising topic of chronic fatigue as well, as CFS is a complex cluster of symptoms, that is difficult to treat – but Shiatsu can play a major role in support of affected clients.
More about Mike: www.mikemandl.eu